6 Ways to End a Blog Post
Everyone prefers the middle: That’s why we cut the crust off bread or lick the inside of an oreo! But that doesn’t mean the beginning or end is no good. We’ve already talked about how to write a powerful introduction so today, we’re talking about 6 ways to end a blog post.
How you end a blog post is just as important as the beginning and all the good stuff in the middle! And I’ve seen some really, really awkward endings…or none at all.
Here are 6 ways to end a blog post that will feel like a shiny ribbon on a beautiful present.
6 Ways to End a Blog Post
You’ll notice I always summarize my blog post in one key sentence at the end of the post. This is a great way to quickly recap the post and for people who skim to get the message, too.
It might feel repetitive to you, but reinforcing your ideas in an easy-to-digest way is great for readers. (This is also part of the structure I lay out in how to write the perfect blog post.)
Ask Readers to Share
You may have those social media widgets on the side of your blog, but asking the reader to share your post goes a long way! People are more likely to take action when you simply ask for it.
Encourage Community
If your blog post is a tutorial, ask people to share their creations online or in your comments section. You can also ask people their take on the article or to share their experiences. It’s a great way to encourage community and get people talking.
Share a Preview of the Future
Is your blog post part of a series? You can end your blog post by sharing a preview of what’s coming next in that series as well as links to previous articles in that series.
RELATED: How to nail your introduction
Link to the Best Resources
Whether your reader is learning how to start a blog or you’re sharing your favorite of-the-moment boots, you can end your blog post by linking to the best resources on the subject.
Round up your favorite fall boots under $100, or link to your favorite blogging resources. Ending your blog post with these additional resources is a great way to add value to your post (and possibly some affiliate cash, too!)
Promote Your Offerings
By all means, don’t forget to promote your service or product at the end of your blog post if it’s relevant! You should always write your blogs assuming it’s the first time someone lands on your site, which means they may not know about your crazy-good offering! Include more info about your online course or fabulous printable at the end of your post.
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If you feel a bit awkward about how to end your blog post, try these tricks: include a call to action, ask readers to comment and share, link to some awesome resources and self-promote!
I like to invite readers to provide comments about their experiences. I ask them to sign up for a freebie or check out a product or course I am marketing if it is relevant. Indeed, I agree that it’s likely their first visit to your website because that’s what I usually assume. I appreciate how thoughtfully you wrote this article! incredibly beneficial.
I appreciate the way your blog celebrates the beauty of life and all its wonders.
I like to ask my readers to share their experiences in the comments. If it’s relevant, I ask them to check out a product or course that I am selling or sign up to get a freebie. And yes, I agree about assuming it’s their first time on your site because it often is. Thanks for writing such a thoughtful article!! Very helpful!
Thank you!
I find it difficult to end a post and keep my readers engaged. This helps a lot!
Hi! Just want to say that this is super helpful. Great content! Keep ’em coming.
Thanks for the wonderful article. I like ending my blogs by asking question.
Thanks for the wonderful article. I like ending my blogs by asking question.
Thanks for these tips on how to end my blog! I usually go with asking my readers a question so they can comment and dialogue with me.. This post gave me other options to switch it up sometimes! Thanks <3
Hi, Marlene! These are great and helpful tips you have shared. I am always not sure of pushing the publish button thinking about my right ending for the post. And now I am keeping these tips saved with me for every time I feel stuck.
I’m so glad I found this post because I never know how to end my blog posts! These tips will definitely help. Thanks for the post!
Hi Marlene!
Thank you for sharing these tips! I always get stuck when I end my blog posts, but this post has given me a lot of ideas to work with! It really helped a lot! Thank you again!
This is so helpful! I’ve been ending my blog posts by asking what the reader thought, but I really like your idea on asking them to share the post. I’ll definitely utilize that tip on my next blog post!
Great Ideas I really loved your post.
This is a helpful post for bloggers and writers! Aside from writing an introduction, ending a blog post can be sometimes challenging too. Thank you for this awesome article. 🙂
Thank you so much! I struggle so badly with endings. I always finish writing my post and then stare at it for 10 minutes trying to figure out how to end it cohesively. Thanks for the help
Amanda | averageamanda.com
I have a call to action which is an opt in. It asks if they liked this type of content (Christian Blogger). I am amazed at how many subscribers I get each week. We just have to ask. Thanks for this.
Exactly, we just have to ask! Thanks for the comment, Krystal.
Thank you for this helpful post. Sometimes I get a little stuck on the endings.
Thank you! Great tips! I’m so bad at call to action :/
Unfortunately, instagram has taken over everything, so blogs are slowly dying… At least in my country… I mean blogs are being read but there are no comments.. I hope this will get better in the future 🙂
thanks for this great article i really like this post and i love your blog
I am the worst with my call to actions. Someone seriously needs to start a course on CTA’s. LOL. I totally loved your post.
Great suggestions! We typically do all of these, though, we are attempting to create our opt-ins directly for the post’s topic–instead of sharing the ONE we had done originally. However, when we first started, just having ONE was an accomplishment. This year, it’s my goal to have at least one new opt-in each month, so that I can switch them up, depending on the post. Thanks for reminding me that we are doing better, but also that we can do even better.
I have just realized recently that asking is the only way to receive. Great advice! Thanks so much for sharing it? I def pinned to reference, and subscribed to your email. Looking forward to exploring the blog a little farther.
Love all of these! I’m going to try your suggestion about linking my best resources at the end of a blog post.
I’m never a big fan of the end part of my posts. I always feel like I sounds dorky like okay here’s all this info now go do something with it! that doesn’t translate well. I’ll try out some of your suggestions and see how it goes! Thanks for sharing!
this was the best post I read in a long time about how to write a blog post. thank you!
Thanks so much, Judy! I’m so happy you found this helpful and hope you subscribed for more!
OMG – these are all excellent ideas! I tend to end my blog posts as if I was writing a letter (signing off with hugs and kisses and no call to action)
Thank you! I’m pinninf this so I won’t forget!
So happy this helped, Katie! Yes, I see the lack of call to action all the time…just tell the reader what you want them to do next and it’ll help with your engagement and subscribers!
your page is really pretty. i like this so much. very helpful, thank you
Great ideas! I’m going to try them all! I’ve tried to ask a question as well, but no answers!
That’s alright, just keep trying! Sometimes people comment, sometimes they don’t. Also, take a look at how easy it is to leave a comment on your blog. If it’s too difficult, many readers will quit and won’t make the effort. A lot of bloggers have found success with commenting systems like Disqus or the Facebook plugin.
Great ideas! I really stink at wrapping up my blog posts I will definitely give these a try
Thanks, Jessica! I hope these tactics are helpful to you!
Nice write up! I usually resort to summaries, encouraging readers to leave comments or giving a snap shot into the future when it comes to content.
I mean, I’m always awkward irl but literally, I have no clue on what to write at the end of every blog post. Really helpful advice!
Zyrakuma ~ https://www.zyrakuma.com
These are great pointers! I have noticed an increase in comments since adding my “let’s chat” at the end of my posts 🙂
Id just like to say how much i appreciate that you left your subscribe option at the end of your post. It gave me the chance to actually reeead without having an irritating box pop up over the content when I’ve only just made it half way through the first paragraph. Your’s is the first blog I’ve come across that asks for subscribers in such a passive way; i like it!
Great suggestions! It can be so awkward sometimes!
These are great examples Marlene! It’s always good to get creative and switch it up.
These are such great ideas! I always tend to ask a question at the end, but no one really responds or comments — so it get’s a bit lonely. But these are definitely more creative ways that I’ll definitely be trying. I also think you’re right — it’s easier to just ask for something sometimes. Great post, Marlene!
Nicole | http://www.badwithdirections.com